A delicious fusion of art and mixology, Cocktails & Curves brings together mouthwatering cocktail recipes and captivating pinup illustrations, each inspired by the essence and charm of its drink.
Featuring twenty brand-new full-color pinups by Stéphane Roux, this collection celebrates his remarkable range in pinup artistry. Each stunning illustration is paired with a delightful cocktail or mocktail recipe, making this book a true feast for the eyes and the palate.
supported of $2,500
time days left
Cocktails & Curves
Get the 44-page softcover!
Cocktails & Curves SIGNED
Get the 44-page softcover signed by Stephane on the inside front cover!
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Joker original artwork
11”x14” full color by Stephane Roux
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Commission by Stephane Roux!
Have Stephane do a half body watercolor and mixed media 11"x14" commission of a character of your ch...
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"MaiTai" Cocktail Girl pinup original artwork
11"x14" grey tone by Stephane Roux
Cocktails & Curves is a one-of-a-kind art and cocktail book celebrating Stephane's renowned pinup artistry. It started out with an idea he had for a pinup art book - one that not only showcased his diverse pinup styles, but also served a practical purpose. This collection features twenty brand-new full-page pinups illustrated by Stephane, each showcasing a unique style and paired with the cocktail or mocktail recipe that inspired the artwork.
From classic 1940s pinups, playful cartoon-inspired pieces, pop art, and sultry cinema femme fatales - every illustration is a visual delight. As a bonus, along with the recipe, each drink also includes a shot of trivia or alternative cocktail suggestions.
A feast for the eyes and the palate, Cocktails & Curves is a captivating blend of artistry and mixology in one beautifully crafted volume.
Stephane Roux is an artist whose work has been showcased in animation productions and, for the last 16 years, in comics.
His animation expertise includes working on storyboards, character designs, background paintings, lay-outs for tv series and feature films like Saban International, Disney, Europa Corp, among others.
His most notable comic book work can be found on the following titles: Birds of Prey, Batman Confidential, Zatanna, Harley Quinn & Power Girl, Star Wars: Agent of the Empire, Guardians of the Galaxy, Grace Randolph's Supurbia, Vampirella, Sacred Six and Bettie Page.
You can find more of his work on Instagram: @Frenchwookiee and on Blue Sky or Cara: @stephanerouxart
$5,000 - (UNLOCKED!) Need more candy for your eyeballs? We got ya' covered. All backers receive a digital copy of Stephane's long out-of-print full-color animation sketchbook, On The Run.
$7,000 - It's late at night, you're at your home, or dare we say, secret lair. You're perusing your copy of Cocktails & Curves. Suddenly you get a phone call. You put down your book. How will you remember what page you're on? With a snazzy Cocktails & Curves bookmark we're designing that will effortlessly compliment the book and enrich your life.
$9,500 - You've got your book, you've made your cocktail. It's time to settle in and decide if yes, the whole living room should be redone in rich mahogany. Tell us though, what are you going to set your delicious hand-crafted libation on; the table? Like a savage? Fear not! Slide a Cocktails & Curves-themed coaster from the four-pack we're sending to all backers under your drink, and get back to radiating class and style.
The book is finished and ready to go to the printer.
Printing and shipping should take around 3 to 4 months after the campaign is over, so delivery of rewards is expected to be done around mid summer 2025.
Zoop will always be here to communicate with supporters should any delays occur, if there’s confusion about delivery, or if any other concerns pop up.
Yes! We encourage you to get more than 1 item! That could be multiple copies of the same reward, or you can mix and match rewards! There is no limit, unless otherwise stated in the reward description.
Our campaigns are for a worldwide audience unless stated otherwise in the campaign. All international orders are sold with the terms DAP (Delivered At Place). You are responsible for any duties and taxes required for the shipment's entry into your country. Our carriers may require you to pay taxes and fees related to importation and customs brokerage of your shipment -- but if your item is really low in value, it may fall under the customs de minimis of most countries. For more information, please contact USPS
Zoop does not store or keep your credit card info. Stripe simply holds the credit card info until the end of a successful campaign and then charges it. It is strictly for this one time use and won't charge it ever again.
You can either access the transaction through your account and click the cancel button, or contact us at hello@wearezoop.com and we'll cancel it for you and send back a confirmation email.
Cancellations of rewards or add-ons of $500 or more must be made before there are 72 hours left in the campaign. The reason for this is it can have a negative effect on the tally of the campaign. If it is a limited reward or add-on, there may not be sufficient time for someone else to purchase it, leaving the campaign possibly not funded. We ask for your courtesy of the people running the campaign when making these decisions.
Please use the notes section in the last checkout step or you could e-mail us at hello@wearezoop.com with that info during the campaign if you'd like to get it out of the way. Otherwise, we'll be reaching out to all supporters of rewards that require feedback shortly after the campaign is over.
If you want to make changes, you should first cancel your original order and then start over with a new one. If you don't do that and simply process an additional order, the way our system is currently set up you may end up being overcharged for shipping -- which we could remedy for you, but it just takes that extra step of catching it and crediting you back the extra shipping, so please try the prior way first.
Rewards are the priority items that the creators have chosen for the campaign. Add-Ons are meant to be secondary items that are 'unlocked' after you buy something from the Reward level. There are no restrictions on buying Rewards, but you can only buy Add-Ons if you've bought a Reward. Zoop sets this up under the direction of the creators. Some may choose to only have Rewards, some may choose an even balance of Rewards and Add-Ons, and others may choose to only have one or two Rewards with the rest of the items being Add-Ons.
Since we have an a la carte rewards system, shipping rates will vary from supporter to supporter. We use a weight-based calculation system in your checkout cart, though, so, after you enter your country, you'll be able to see it calculated in real time with each item you add.
No - this is it! We're essentially your in-campaign pledge manager. If you are interested in supporting these creators, this is the time to do it! And it's the exact reason we allow you to purchase as many rewards as you want during the campaign!