When the cocky and entitled Dylan Jax joins the Cosmic Protection Bureau and is assigned to bullshit busywork alongside a grumpy alien vet, he’s forced to confront the reality that his great destiny was just a lie his mommy fed him, and that the organization he’s committed his life to isn’t as benevolent as it claims to be.
SHITKICKERS is a series that lives somewhere between the humor of the Jump Street films and the high-stakes action of Guardians of the Galaxy—with a little Starship Troopers for garnish.
But underneath the dick jokes and bad attitudes, this is a story about fighting against a system designed to oppress, even if it takes you a while to realize the side you should be fighting for isn’t the side you’re on. It’s about finding your place in the universe with a little help from your friends and the importance of chosen family. It’s about telling your past to fuck off so you can carve out your own future.