How to submit a project

If you are interested in running a crowdfunding campaign on Zoop, the fastest way is to fill out this questionnaire.

The team here will review it to ensure that we are keeping Zoop a safe and welcome place for all voices, and that you are setting yourself up with the best chance to succeed.

If your project is greenlit, the flat fee to Zoop for our ‘full service’ solution is 22% of campaign funds, not including credit card processing fees. In addition to our standard  platform fee, those services include:

  • Campaign Management

    • Budgeting

    • Strategy

    • Pre-campaign page creation (including e-mail signup form)

    • Campaign page creation and administration

    • Tailoring our weight-based shipping calculator

    • Posting/emailing your campaign updates

    • Customer support

  • ‘Elevated’ marketing

    • PR, scheduling interviews, articles, etc

    • Promotion via Zoop social channels & e-mail blasts

  • Retailer outreach

  • Pledge Management

    • Charging credit cards & tracking down delinquent charges

    • Collection and maintenance of supporter data (this is done during the campaign, so no post-campaign surveys are necessary)

  • Printing/manufacturing

  • Fulfillment

    • Customer support

*A ‘bare bones’ version of our services for as low as 7% of campaign funds is also an option, if you’re looking to handle your own budgeting/strategy, marketing, retailer outreach, printing/manufacturing and fulfillment.

Zoop’s fees are on the back end of a successful campaign, meaning there are no up front fees. Creators maintain 100% ownership and control of their property.

For additional inquiries or to learn more about our platform and services, you can reach out to us at

We look forward to working with as many of you as we can!